Program and Process EvaluationIncreasing and assisting an organization’s ability to show impact.

The Fanning Institute works with leaders of organizations and programs to help design and implement successful evaluation efforts to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of the services provided to their clients and stakeholders. We bring key organizational leaders at the beginning of the engagement and work together to discuss the needs and scope of the evaluation.

Fanning faculty approaches to evaluation create learning opportunities for leaders and give voice to a range of diverse opinions, while ensuring that the evaluation process provides information that is easy to collect and useful to stakeholders once collected. Our evaluation services are customizable and build the capacity of organizational leaders to use evaluation data to improve everyday practice.

Since the evaluation process or evaluation needs look different for each organization or program, the Fanning Institute provides evaluation services in the form of technical assistance and clinics/trainings in the following areas:

  • Models and Approaches to Evaluation
  • Evaluation Plan Development and Implementation Strategies
  • Logic Model and Theory of Change Design
  • Formative Evaluation
  • Outcomes Development and Measurements
  • Data collection Instruments Design
  • Data analysis
  • Process Evaluation
  • Summative Evaluation

For more information on program and process evaluation, please contact public service associate Carolina Darbisi, Ph.D.


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