Designed as a highly interactive series of workshops, the Fanning Succeeding as a Supervisor (SAS) program helps leaders responsible for supervising individuals, teams, and departments develop and practice leadership skills. Sessions are based on adult learning practices emphasizing experiential learning and built around an effective mix of content delivery, discussion, activity, and practice.
Participants will leave SAS better prepared to:
- Motivate employees
- Increase accountability
- Encourage participation
The series includes two individual assessment products designed to increase awareness of self and others.
Georgia EMC looked to the Fanning Institute to help prepare the organization’s emerging leaders for leadership positions within the cooperative. Three industry-focused leadership development programs consisting of 20 sessions each highlight a comprehensive list of leadership and management topics. The program, implemented at Jackson EMC, Okefenokee EMC, and Smarr EMC, was designed to enhance participants’ effectiveness in managing the opportunities and challenges faced in the organization
For more information on Succeeding as a Supervisor or customizing any of Fanning’s industry-focused leadership development offerings for your organization, contact public service associate Brendan S. Leahy, Ed.D.